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Journalism Articles

My most recent endeavors included writing for one of my former editor's blog: The Next Ten Words. I sent in one column per month, and the content of that column was up to me. The topics leaned toward a casual 'tongue in cheek' approach to some aspects of millennial life. Check them out here:

These are writing examples from my time as an editorial assistant for the Northfield News and Faribault Daily News:

This is an example of a brief weekend coverage for a local event. We kept these at around 8-10 column inches and only interviewed a few people.

A normal article was 16-20 column inches and went more in depth with specific topics, such as this one. This particular article was a monthly Mind and Body column that I was in charge of writing.

This is an example of a feature Arts and Entertainment article, which is also around 16-20 column inches but that would go into a normal week of circulation. I focused on the historical aspects while telling a story that tied to current events.

Scene Magazine was a monthly magazine that featured much longer articles that went into a lot of detail about certain events or topics. This month featured a person who positively influenced the Northfield community.

Another Scene article, which took a look at a popular art tour in Southern Minnesota.

Below are writing examples from college:

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